Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ninth Week Update - Miles Neighborhood Weekly Food Collection Project

March 9, 2009

Hi Folks,

We turned in 200 lbs. of food Monday...166 lbs. of canned and packaged goods (12 lbs. more than last week) and 34 lbs. of fruit. Those grapefruit were much appreciated by Howard, the guy who helps me check in each week. So maybe we can donate more fruit. They're pretty heavy but I'm getting stronger with each Sunday's collection.

Earlier today I got a call from Barbara on 12th street. She and her husband have decided to help me collect the food on their street starting next Sunday. This is great...because when it comes to food collection, there can never be too many cooks in the kitchen.

Howard also liked the can of pet food and hand soaps I turned in. "This is perfect," he said, "we take anything that humans use in their daily lives...plastic utensils, paper plates, toothpaste and pet food, of course. People have to have pets and we get lots of pet food donations."

What this means is if you don't happen to have a can of food available on a Sunday, think about Fluffy or Fido or just pick a few fruit from your trees.

See you next Sunday.


Community Food Bank
Monday morning, March 9, 2009

This is the reason the MilesNeighborhood is helping our Community Food Bank. As you can see, their cupboards are a bit bare. Our food collections are growing each week so we are doing our part.

What we need to do is get other neighborhoods “fired up and ready to go.” If you know someone I should talk to please let me know. Thanks.

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