Convenience Store Man
Cleans Up Neighborhood
One Thug at a Time
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The thug threw a sucker punch (red arrow) that altered his life 1.5 seconds later. |
A little over five years ago I met Maen
Mdanat the new owner of the convenience store in our
neighborhood. He walked across his parking lot to greet me as I approached and
right away I could tell he was a good guy. It was just a gut reaction then but
time proved it to be dead on. Within minutes I learned that he cared about his
new neighbors and wanted to become active in the One Can A Week
As with most convenient stores there was a lot of
riffraff hanging out, drinking and sleeping in the nearby alleys. Panhandling
was rampant also. I asked my new friend if he could help clean up our
neighborhood and keep those folks in line. Maen said “Yes,” without any
His initial motivation was to make his new venture a
family store. In the beginning he had mostly male customers and very few women
because the premises did not appear to be safe with all matter of unkempt folks
loitering around the “watering hole” as it were. Today, women are among his best
So how did he do it? Well, Maen’s first career was in
the Army’s Special Forces unit. This unique training is a key factor in the
reshaping of our neighborhood where peace and civility is the norm. Through his
ability to sense trouble early, heft a 170 pound beer key by himself and react
quicker than congress can say no, he was able to demand respect for himself and
his customers.
He kept order and discipline in his store and those who
did not comply were dealt with by the police or he handled the situation
himself. He ejected the unruly from his premises, the alleys and the whole
neighborhood. As you can imagine the families in the neighborhood are extremely
grateful for the security he provides and they crowd his store
But he has to be vigilant even now after all this time
because convenient stores are easy targets. Unfortunately, the word has not
gotten around to all of the unsavory people that our neighborhood is different.
Thugs are the target not the convenience store.
Last Saturday a man walked into the store and began
mumbling something to Doug the clerk behind the counter at the time. He said he
had no money but wanted something. Maen who was in his office saw the exchange
on his monitor and came out to see what was up. Maen recognized the man was
trouble and offered to walk him to the door. As the man got close to Maen
holding the door open he made a fateful error that would alter his well being in
the next second and a half. He sucker punched Maen. Go to the video tape … Convenience Store
Man in action.
All of this melodrama was captured on the store’s video
surveillance cameras. A few days after viewing the footage I decided it was high
time to go public and tell the real story behind how Maen helped make out
Miles Neighborhood safer. But a
straight news story is boring even with all of the action and would not be
memorable. So enter the Convenience Store
Man comic book saga.
Old and young customers alike have viewed the video at
the Axis Food Mart and their
reactions were quite similar. They cringe a bit at the crash landing and smack
down but are delighted a thug got what was coming to him. Several folks
questioned Maen’s decision because retaliation is always a possibility. He has
no concern for such things. In Maen’s experience, if there is any thought of
retaliation, it is in the mind of the bully who just suffered great humiliation
and pain. “Why would he come back to experience that devastation again? Maen
asked. “Or maybe something even worse. Bullies are cowards at heart.”
We Love You …
Convenience Store
Look for the further adventures of
MAN coming soon.
Sprouts Farmers Market Update
Since July 29, 2013 Sprouts has donated 4.45 tons of quality food.
Over 1,000 Pounds Three Weeks in a Row
What pushed the poundage this week was the new One Can A Week display (right of the table
under the arrow) at the Sprouts – Oracle store. The display was looking pretty
picked over on Wednesday and the
donation bin was full (left of table). Throw in
444 lbs. of watermelons still sale priced at 10 cents per pound (see carts on
far left), the 84 lbs. in the bin and you end up with 714 lbs. of food. That is
about 72% of the donations this week … just from one 4-hour
This week’s donations amounted to 1,146 lbs. and included
River View Estates, 30 lbs.;
Sprouts (Speedway), 238 lbs.; Sprouts (Oracle), 528 lbs.; Sprouts (River Road), 186 lbs. and Miles Neighborhood, 164
Neighborhood Clean Up in Early
Every year the city provides eight roll off trash bins
FREE to the Miles Neighborhood to
help folks get rid of more than brush and bulky stuff. Beginning on May 8th and
ending early May 12th,
five roll off trash bins will be placed in an open public space near the
following addresses.
1. 1208 E.
12th Street
2. 1527 E.
12th Street
3. 404 S.
Cherry Street
4. 1808 E.
12th Street
5. 1229 E.
13th Street
Start selecting items such as mattresses and dressers
and TVs. Also this is a great way to get rid of all that brush and tree
trimmings you piled up this spring.
A printed reminder will be distributed to homes on
Sunday, May 4th. Keep and eye out for
We collected a total of 164 lbs. of food. The money we donated
amounted to $153.00, two checks
for $125.00 and $28.00 in cash.
See you Sunday,