Monday, August 6, 2012

187th Week Update - Miles Neighborhood Food Collection Project

Hi Folks,
PICOR is first to donate to
Mayor Rothschild’s
Personal Community Service Program
Rebecca Fuentes, the HR/Office Manager at PICOR told me right away that the Community Food Bank box was about half full before Friday’s drive to kick off Mayor Rothschild’s One Can A Meeting program. (They had a food drive sometime earlier but had not turned in the food yet.) No matter because it’s a great example of how much one box helps needy folks in Tucson.

The food weighed 154 lbs. At 1.3 lbs. per meal, those 154 lbs. will feed 118 folks one meal. In addition, PICOR’s $102.92 cash donation is equivalent to $977.74 in food and services based on the Food Bank’s $1.00 = $9.50 purchasing power. (See CFB receipt blow.)

On these hot days, the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona box being situated next to the water cooler is a smart idea. At least six people needed hydration while I moved the food to my hand truck. However, starting next week the box will be near the multiple meeting rooms when Ms. Fuentes begins collecting One Can A Meeting.

Simply elegant.

At the end of a strikingly understated and gracious hallway is Mark Cole’s office, the Managing Director of the Arizona Theatre Company. Actually it is a fitting environment considering what he does for a living most days, and nights, too, for that matter.

So when Mayor Rothschild asked Mr. Cole to participate in his personal community service program, Mr. Cole said yes and then turned the coordination of the program over to Ann Barringer, his Executive Assistant/Board Relations Manager.

We met Thursday and Ms. Barringer had already placed a notice in the upcoming employee newsletter explaining One Can A Week. After our conversation about how to really engage the staff in Mr. Cole’s personal community service program, she placed the Community Food Bank box near Mr. Cole’s office before I left.

There is no doubt that the Arizona Theatre Company staff will participate in Mr. Cole’s food donation program especially with the added incentive of getting to go upstairs weekly to visit the charming executive suite.

Check Chasing
To keep the check from getting soaked in my pocket this particularly hot and humid Sunday, I place the envelope in front of instead of behind my glasses. Then twenty minutes later I noticed the envelope was gone.

Since there were very few people out in the noon day sun, I wasn’t too worried as I retraced my route. Councilman Fimbres was just getting home from a grocery shopping trip. That is why he wasn’t home when I stopped by earlier, I thought. He waved as I passed on my way to the first home I visited after picking up the check. Nope not there.

I drove up Miles once more and Councilman Fimbres waved again, but this time to stop me so he could hand me his weekly donation. I thanked him and got back in my car.

“Where is that darn check?” I asked out loud. Then I saw it, still folded up on the dirt sidewalk right next to Councilman Fimbres’ home. Well, I guess folks are right, if you need something to happen, get Councilman Fimbres involved.

We collected a total of 169 lbs. of food. The money we donated amounted to $40.50, a $25.00 check and $15.50 in cash.

See you Sunday,


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