Tuesday, October 11, 2011

144th Week Update - Miles Neighborhood Food Collection Project

Hi Folks,

Don’t you just hate it when a lot of little things go wrong, one right after another. Monday was a holiday and I thought, as in months past, that the Community Food Bank was closed. I planned on a Tuesday afternoon delivery.

Consequently, on Monday night I prepped for my blog, researching logos and links for my story on Feeding America and The Corporation for National and Community Service. (This article will appear in next week’s update.)

Months ago, Norton warned me about an attack while searching for an innocuous round cornered label image on Google. Seems Google was having problems with infected images which they soon fixed.

But nothing disturbed Norton Monday night and I blithely clicked away. Tuesday morning, Aisling, a Barrio San Antonio friend of mine asked me about an email she got. She knew something was up. Then I got another email from a friend and another. Eventually, Bobby Rich and Bill Carnegie, the CEO of the Community Food Bank checked in.

Bobby said change my password and the problem will go away. Soon after he told me I did just that.

Although everyone was expecting the normal Tuesday morning Update from me, they got something totally different and were puzzled. After I settled down Tuesday morning I realized that perhaps it was a good thing I erroneously gave the Food Bank a holiday on Monday. This mistake on my part saved me from a real spamming situation Tuesday morning.

My most upsetting thought was that I worked years to build my readers’ trust and then with a click of a mouse by a jerk in a basement somewhere, all that trust went down the drain.

This thought, too, was quelled by reason when my friends sent me copies of the spam and stated they knew this wasn’t me. I wished evil upon the hacker but then surmised that I couldn’t wish more trouble and turmoil in the hacker’s brain than already exists there now.

Thanks for trusting that you know me so well…because you really do.

Just received a disturbing report from the Association of Arizona Food Banks titled:

“Wonder What Hunger Costs Us?
New Research Calculates The Staggering Tab”

One fact included in the write up states that “In Arizona, our tab is nearly $4 billion, a 35% increase over 2007 and the 12th largest increase of any state.”

Click on the link below to read the entire report. (Notice the guy standing in the food line, he could be any one of us.) New research from the Center for American Progress.

Something is Happening at the Arroyo Chico Apartments
For a couple of years now I have had a couple of Arroyo Chico neighbors participate in One Can A Week. Suddenly, now there are four apartments in a row hanging donations on their doorknobs or placing cans on their stoops. Guess its just neighbors helping neighbors to step up.

We collected a total of 198 lbs. of food. The money we donated amounted to $34.50, a $25.00 check and $9.50 in cash.

See you Sunday,


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