Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fourth Week Update - Miles Neighborhood Weekly Food Collection Project

February 2, 2009

Hi Folks,

Super Bowl Sunday was a super Community Food Bank collection Sunday, too. My grand total was 106 lbs or a 56% increase over the Third Week's collection. I had to make three trips to my home to unload because it was turning into some serious schlepping. I visited all of my old participants and added 2 new blocks...both sides of the street. For next week's collection I am taking along a hand truck to save time and my back.

Another good thing is we graduated to the large scale at CFB when I turned in the food this morning. Also you will notice a calculator on top of the cart in the photo on the right and on the cereal box in the photo on the left. The gentleman who checked me in wanted to help me verify the weight. If you open and enlarge the attached photos, you can see 106 in the digital readout. Funny!

A number of my new participants told me they like the idea they are getting involved in community service and helping the CFB at the same time. One gentleman said he felt it showed respect that I came to his home to get his help. He liked the personal approach and the fact that he didn't have to get really involved in a time-consuming activity to help his community.

I also talked to a young airman named Michael who just came back from Afghanistan. It really was "just" because he was starting back to work on the base today. He liked the "one can a week" program and told me he would talk to his commander about getting his whole unit involved. Maybe Michael will have some news next Sunday.

My friend Beth out on Tanque Verde had her first CFB collection on Sunday which amounted to 28 lbs. She only went to about one-third of the homes on her street to get that total. Beth thinks she can double that amount next week. The homes where Beth lives are spread out as are the streets so her collection process is a bit of a hike.

Talk to you next week.


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